Civil Partnership

1st class legal advice to clients for over 40 years

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Complete solution for all your legal requirements

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What is a Civil Partnership

A civil partnership is a legal relationship which can be registered by two people who are not related to each other. They are available to both same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples.

civil partnership couple

Registering a civil partnership will give your relationship legal recognition. This will give you added legal rights and responsibilities.

Once you have registered a civil partnership, it can only be ended if one of you dies, or by applying to court to bring the partnership legally to an end.

As is the case with a marriage you cannot apply to bring a civil partnership to an end until it has lasted for at least one year.

Call our friendly team today on 0345 2413100 or email us for more information

Our Divorce & SEPARATION Experts

Lee Pashen - Director / Solicitor
Marianne Tyndall - Solicitor
If you would like more information please contact our team by filling out the form below.

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