Tips for selling your house in the New Year

The New Year is a great time for selling your home to take advantage of interest from those who have made the decision to move over the festive period. Follow our top tips for making your home attractive to buyers for a winter sale.

The darker days of winter might not seem ideal for selling a house, but with a little preparation you should be able to find a buyer despite the season.

Light and warmth

It’s especially important to ensure your home is cosy and welcoming in winter. Put the heating on and light fires. Side lamps will cast a warmer light than overhead bulbs, which can be harsh and unflattering.


Put away as much clutter as you can, including winter coats and boots, to make your home seem as spacious as possible. This will help potential buyers picture themselves and their possessions in the property. You can add a vase or two of flowers to an empty table or shelf.


Give the property a good clean. Low winter sunlight is particularly good at highlighting dirty windows and dusty surfaces. Bleach any bathroom grouting if it has mould and replace sealant around baths and showers if it is showing signs of black.

Make sure your home smells pleasant, despite windows that are likely to be closed in cold weather. Keep bins empty and air the kitchen after cooking. Essential oils are good at creating pleasing scents, but don’t overdo it, buyers may not enjoy the same aromas as you and you do not want them to think you are masking a problem.


While you won’t want to spend a fortune on a property you intend to leave, if you have walls or doors that are marked or chipped, a quick coat of pale neutral paint can make a big difference.

Tidy the garden

In winter, buyers are looking for a neat and well-kept outside space. Rake and sweep up leaves, cut the lawn if possible and make sure any paths or decking are clean and not slippery.

One of the most effective ways of making a garden look good out of season is by trimming hedges and edges so that they are crisp and straight. Cut back shrubs if needed and consider raising the canopy of trees to give more space underneath.

If you have garden furniture, it’s a good idea to put it out for viewings so that buyers can see that there is space to sit.

The front garden is just as important as the back, particularly as this is the first impression viewers will have. Invest in some seasonal containers filled with evergreen plants and winter flowers. These have the advantage that you can take them with you when you move.

If you are thinking of buying or selling your home, speak to one of our property experts on 0345 2413100 or email us at

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